This paper examines the development and use of vocabularies of shapes constructed using geometric principles as a basis for ornamental pattern design.
Posts Tagged: mathematics
Printing Islamic geometric patterns using lasercut tiles
“Geometry is an inexhaustible well of formal beauty with which to fill our bucket; but before the draught is fit for use it should be examined, analysed and filtered through the consciousness of the artist.” Claude Bragdon, from Projective Ornament (1915)
MC Escher & Meshuggah : Mathematics in space and time
Now that I’m borderline obsessed with geometric design after my course at the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, it’s clear to me that geometry has not only always underpinned my work but underpins the way the world works. I’ve come across lots of geometric art recently but I wanted to start by posting work from… Read more »
Geometry and natural form
“Look deep into nature, then you will understand everything.” Albert Einstein One of my visual (and musical) obsessions is repetition which manifests itself in an ongoing interest in natural form and pattern.