This paper examines the development and use of vocabularies of shapes constructed using geometric principles as a basis for ornamental pattern design.
Posts Tagged: printmaking
Printing Islamic geometric patterns using lasercut tiles
“Geometry is an inexhaustible well of formal beauty with which to fill our bucket; but before the draught is fit for use it should be examined, analysed and filtered through the consciousness of the artist.” Claude Bragdon, from Projective Ornament (1915)
Lady of Shalott screenprint
Here are some photos of a screenprint I was recently commissioned to create of the first two verses of The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Tennyson. It’s a one-off screenprint printed onto Fabriano Rosapina 285gsm in silver and black ink.
Ambigraph Prints & collective box shop launch
Not only are we finally launching our online shop Ambigraph Prints, selling high quality art prints and greeting cards, we’re also selling them in a new collective box shop called Rock Paper Scissors in West Norwood. The shop is full of locally made and curated products from 25 local makers, who are running the shop… Read more »
Etching course
I recently did another 3 day etching course. It was great to be back amongst the inks and smells of the etching studio at Camberwell College of Arts, but 3 days is hardly enough time to get your juices flowing with a process as slow and methodical as etching.
Withdrawing Room letterpress cards
After a few sessions tinkering with my Adana press I’m finally getting some decent results.
Tugboat Printshop’s amazing woodcuts
I am always in awe of folk who have the focus and patience to work with one technique and give it enough time to gain absolute mastery.
Digital letterpress block
I’ve just received my first custom-made letterpress block in the post!
Ambigraph Studios
Ambigraph Studios are now up and running in South London!